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BORN 1974

lives and works in Tornio, Finland




Bachelor of Culture and Arts (specialisation of painting)-South Carelia Polytechnic,

Imatra, 2003-2007.

Programme of Fine Arts.Kanneljärvi Folk high school, Lohja, 2001 –2002.

Illustrator. Ikaalinen school of arts and crafts, 1998-2001.




Napa Gallery, Rovaniemi, 2023.

GalleriA, Kuopio Art Museum, 2022.

Art Center Ahjo, Joensuu, 2022.

Mältinranta Artcenter (studio), Tampere, 2022

The Island, Gallery A2, Helsinki, 2022.

About Love, Gallery Pleiku, Berlin, 2021.

Gallery 5 Oulu, 2020.

Gallery Becker, Jyväskylä, 2020.

BARE -paintings, Gallery Katariina, Helsinki, 2019.

FLOW, Drawing Gallery D5, Helsinki, 2019.

Gallery 5, Oulu, 2016.

TM -gallery, Helsinki, 2015.

Napa Gallery, Rovaniemi, 2015.

GalleriaKONE, Hämeenlinna, 2015.

Gallery Katariina (studio), Helsinki, 2014.

Gallery Kapriisi,Tampere, 2014.

Gallery Becker, Jyväskylä, 2014.

Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, 2011.

Seinäjoki Art Hall (studio), 2011.

Galleria Ferin, Helsinki, 2011.

Galleria Carree, Kuopio, 2010.

Gallery Nunes, Helsinki, 2009.

Taidekamari,Tornio,2008 and 2013.

Napa Gallery, Rovaniemi, 2008.

Kalliopeia, Savonlinna, 2007.

Town hall, Tornio, 2006, 2008, 2009

.Cafe Jellona, Imatra, 2005.

Kanneltalo Gallery, Helsinki, 2003.




Suoja / Shelter, Galleria Toinen Silmä, Helsinki, 2024.

Mähkönvirta 2023, Möhkö.

On the Road,  Sodankylä.. 2023.

POHOJONEN, Gallery Rankka, Helsinki, 2021.

Wiping the ice cream off your face, Gallery Valo, Rovaniemi 2021

Northern Affinity: Artsits from Lapland and Basque County, Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, 2021.

Shadow in Light, Galleria Gallery Kookos, Helsinki, 2021.

Kuvastin, Sanna Haimila&Hanna Schroderus, Aine Art Museum, Tornio, 2019.

Finnish Painters´Union Members, Gallery Napa, Rovaniemi, 2019.

Mänttä Art Festival, 2019.

Art Gallery Luleå, Sweden, 2019.

PINK, Ava Gallery, Helsinki. 2018.

PINK, 4W43 Gallery /UN Headquarters, New York, USA, 2018.

Napa Gallery, (with Maija Vanhatapio), Rovaniemi, 2018.

North Wind, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, 2018.

Flow (with Leila Lipiäinen), Taidekamari, Tornio, 2018.

Suo, Kuokka ja taide, Kemi Art museum, 2017.

Jippo, Art Center Haihatus, Joutsa, 2016.

Astia. Kemijärvi community center, 2016.

Hallaa IV, Municipality of Simo, 2014.

Pyhäniemi 2014, the sales collection of Artists` Association of Lapland.

Vinkka, Gallery Carree, Kuopio, 2014.

Artmeet Gallery, Milan, Italy, 2013.

Snowball Effect, Oulu Art museum, 2012.

Lappland! Lappland regional exhibition, Kemi art museum, 2011.

Spring Song, Gallery Ferin, Helsinki, 2011.

NOW, Cable Factory, Helsinki, 2010.

More Than (Anne Hyvönen ja Sanna Haimila), Imatra Art Museum, 2010.

SKjL 2010, Järvenpää Art Museum, 2010.

Viiva - Line, Gallery Kellokas, Äkäslompolo, 2010.

Lapin taiteilijaseuran piirustus- ja grafiikkanäyttely, Galleria Napa, Rovaniemi, 2010

European Festival of the Night 2009, Korpilombolo, Sweden, 2009.

Galeria do Palácio, Porto, Portugal, 2009.

Supermarket Art Fair (Gallery Verkligheten), Stockholm, Sweden, 2009.

Gallery of Georgia Perimeter College, USA, 2009.SKjL:Spiraali, Imatra Art Museum, 2008.

Colouring the North, Verkligheten,Umeå, Sweden, 2008.

NEW PAINTING, Lahti Art Museum, 2008.

SKjL 07 Minimi, K.H. Renlund Art Museum, Kokkola, 2007.

THE PERSON IN-BETWEEN, Cable Factory, Helsinki, 2007.

THE PERSON IN-BETWEEN, Imatra Art Museum, 2007.

SPACE! Kouvola Art museum and Imatra Art museum, 2006 –2007.

”147 KM”, Stockfors, Pyhtää, 2006.

SKjL 66. Annual exhibition, Rovaniemi Art museum, 2004.

Nokia Art House, Nokia, 2002.

Pirkanmaa I triennial, Tampere, 2000.




Solo Shows

Kemi Art museum, 2024.

GUK, Lahti, 2025.


The Arts council of Lapland, 2023.

The Arts council of Lapland, 2022.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, 1-year grant, 2022.

Art council of Lapland,  1/2 -year grant, 2021.

Mobility grant, The Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2020.

Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Public Display Grant, 1/2 -year grant,  2020.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland regional fund, 1-year grant, 2019.

The Arts council of Lapland, 2019.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland regional fund, 2017.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland regional fund, 2016.

The Arts council of Lapland, 2016.

The Arts council of Lapland, 2014.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland regional fund, 2013.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2010.

Niilo Helander Foundation, 2009.

The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Lapland regional fund, 2009.

The Arts council of Lapland, 2008.

Tornio town, 2008.

Scholarship of South Carelia Polytechnic, 2007.

Aamulehti Award, Pirkanmaa I triennial, Tampere, 2000.


Kuopio Art Museum.

Public Art Agency Sweden.

Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation.

Collection of Finnish State Art comission.

Collection of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Aine Art Museum, Tornio.

Tornio City.

Mäntyharju City.

Art Centre Salmela.

South Carelia Polytechnic, Imatra


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